llustrative e.V
Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin

After a year full of intriguing art pieces, objects and exciting animations, we are now glad to announce the launch of the Young Illustrators Award 2014.

If you want to apply for a participation at the Illustrative Festival at the beginning of 2015 in Berlin it’s possible with the Young Illustrators Award from now on. You can find the most important information and competition rules online here: https://www.illustrative.de/award/award/

The Award offers the opportunity to international illustrators and artists to present their artistic work to the public within exhibitions and the festival „Illustrative“. Until the 31st of July, illustrators, graphic designers, animation and book artists can apply for the Award in the 3 categories: illustration, animation and book-art!

We are looking forward to receive your submissions!
