Hungriger Geist is a new art project space in Berlin. At HG, we don’t only focus on art but also on food and healing. Our chef Nicholas Petrucci has been trained by Hiroshi Hyashi, master japanese chef in areas of whole foods cuisine. Our bar offers Gin Tonic with handmade tonic water!

Now we continue to set-up the space! Following the amazing opening we had last weekend with beyond others Sculpture or Kahn of Finland and the Full Moon celebration with healing sound, super power soups and moon balls, we have this weekend:


Menu with
– Geist bowls with lamb or vegan
– Vegan Tacos
– Marc Harwood for a live performance

Mark Harwood is a writer, publisher and musician recording as Astor. His works encompass a wide variety of sources and techniques as a means of exploring audio that rubs shoulders with narrative, the visual and the hallucinogenic. Astor has two LP’s out, ‘Alcor’ and ‘Inland’ on Kye records (USA). He also runs Penultimate Press which has released Dennis Johnson’s ‘lost’ minimalist masterpiece ‘November’ alongside four books by Graham Lambkin and records by Henning Christiansen, Jacques Brodier, Matthew P.Hopkins and others.

Every Saturday, we will have a brunch starting next week!

SUNDAY 9.11.14 from 17.00 SALON

Traditional Irish stew
Tarot reading with John
Literary session about death and resurrection, bring your texts!!

Hungriger Geist is the sister project from Apiary studio in London.

Hungriger Geist
Pannierstrasse 40
12043 Berlin

Opening hours from next week
Wed – Sun 12.00 – 02.00