Kookoo feat. Marcin Pietruszewski & Florence To

06jan(jan 6)22:0007(jan 7)06:00Kookoo feat. Marcin Pietruszewski & Florence To

Event Details

on a clear day…

:: music
MARCIN PIETRUSZEWSKI (New Pulsar Generator) // www.marcinpietruszewski.com
MIEKO SUZUKI (Kookoo) // www.mixcloud.com/mieko
ARA (Kookoo) // www.mixcloud.com/kookoo

:: art
FLORENCE TO (installation) // http://www.florence-to.com
YUKIHIRO TAGUCHI (installation) // https://yukihirotaguchi.wordpress.com
CARLY FISCHER (sculpture & photography) // www.carlyfischer.com

Friday, January 6, 10 pm
OHM Gallery – Köpenicker Straße 70, 10179 Berlin


Bright like a beginning. Blinding like a void that engulfs past and present, making space for what is to come. Agnes Martin wanted her art to be just that: empty and enlightening. In a poem she wrote, “the essential feature of adventure is that it is a/ going forward into/ unknown territory”.

MARCIN PIETRUSZEWSKI is definitely going. He is one of the most adventurous electronic musicians out there at the moment, period. He engages in sound synthesis and computer composition, exploring formal developments in electroacoustic music and sound art. He treats sound as living matter, malleable material that in his hands turns into an endless source of psychoacustic sensations, physical experience and, not to forget, a good deal of humour.

At Kookoo, PIETRUSZEWSKI premieres a new work, Matrix Partitions (on a clear day), strongly influenced by Agnes Martin’s ideas. By abstract patterns, the division of space and time, the ambiguity of the gaps between the joy of singular events. Martin herself made the connection to music, stating that “our response to line and tone and color is the same as our response to sounds. It holds meaning for us that is beyond expression in words”.

Musicality and abstraction beyond words are also at the core of FLORENCE TO’s artistic practice. Her site-specific installations combine generative motion graphics with spatial design to explore the effects of cognitive and emotional triggers. For Kookoo, TO will work with and against the grid of the notorious tiles on Ohm’s walls, the patterns in Martin’s drawings, the sonic matter of Pietruszewski, the bars in your brain.

CARLY FISCHER opens a window for air and thought. Her flyer artwork reflects on transparency as a desire for emptiness. YUKIHIRO TAGUCHI has worked with the spatial and social patterns in Ohm time and again, making them inseparable from his unique mode of expression. Kookoo hosts MIEKO SUZUKI and ARA take a look into the blinding light of expectation and the voids of joy. It will be a clear day. A good day for going forward, into unknown territory.



6. January 2023 22:00 - 7. January 2023 06:00(GMT+02:00)