Personbag, m-O-m, César Palace @ KuLe Theater

14mar19:3023:59Personbag, m-O-m, César Palace @ KuLe Theater

Event Details

KuLe Theater
Auguststraße 10, 10117 Berlin

Personbag (live)
m-O-m (live)
César Palace (live)

CÉSAR PALACE [percussive obsession]
César Palace blends minimalist music, cosmic drone, and pure rhythms, drawing influences from contemporary music to 90s house/techno and the experimental scene. The result is a tachycardic, percussive, disciplined performance where Vincent embodies a trance-inducing machine, inviting people to dance with nothing but a drum kit and effects pedals.

M-O-M [electromagnetic beats]
m-O-m (acronym for magnetic-Orchestral-music) was born of an obsession: giving voice to light. Somewhere between an electronic music concert and a DIY installation, Thomas Laigle interconnects light and sound to create a single medium. Using coils that pick up magnetic vibrations and effect pedals, the parasites generated by selected light bulbs become the rhythm of a music bordering on noise and electronica. Vibrating saccades of a few milliseconds open up an endless rift that allows a polyrhythm to spread through flashes and darkness, subtle sparkles and deep detonations. A real-time analogue sound processing device that dialogues with the space and takes the audience on a hallucinated trip.


14. March 2024 19:30 - 23:59(GMT+02:00)


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