Women's Day with SUKA with Ante Perry, Eleonora @ Mokka Mitte

07mar(mar 7)19:0008(mar 8)05:00Women's Day with SUKA with Ante Perry, Eleonora @ Mokka Mitte

Event Details

Ante Perry
Anna Belove
Misha Svirid
Vlad Yaki

Early bird 10EUR
Presale 15 EUR

Womens Day with SUKA

I can take myself dancing
And I can hold my own hand

Yeah… you know exactly the words of this songs, but we know definitely where you will be on March 7.

In spring all women bloom like flowers. Is it possible to resist this beauty? No, you can not!

SUKA is more than a party with fantastic music and performances. SUKA is a mindset that wakes up after midnight. An hour when Cinderella decides to use her second shoe as a Champagne glass.

SUKA is a judgment free zone. It’s the moment when a feminist, a gold digger & a businesswoman are sharing a bottle – united in the desire to be free from any expectations. SUKA is for everyone who is ready to leave stereotypes behind.


7. March 2023 19:00 - 8. March 2023 05:00(GMT+02:00)


Mokka Mitte Bar | BERLIN

Stadtbahnbogen 159/160, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

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