How do you handle music requests?

First of all, I want to hear the track if this is a remix request.If this is a request for my original tracks, then there are already a number of questions, label, deadline, payment, if we agree on this. There are requests that offer a good fee, but I refuse if I’m not interested. For friends, I will always remix it, for support their labels.

What do you do when equipment goes on strike?

It rarely happens. I try not to be nervous, but if this happens I just pause, for example, I go out into the air. We need to work in a good mood and in a good environment because the quality of the tracks depends on our mood

What are your musical influences from childhood?

I think this is not a small list.I liked a lot and different things, for example from Bomfunk Mc’s to Paul Kalkbrenner etc. After the album Paul Kalkbrenner – Berlin Calling I realized that music is mine and I want to connect life with music.

Is it even possible to argue about musical tastes?

No, musical tastes are an individual choice of each person.We need to share your taste, let the majority of people hear your music.

Which track would run when you moved into your boxing match?

I rarely listen to music before entering the ring, even if I’m listening to it, this is a random track from my playlist

What was the worst job you ever had?

I had no bad jobs.I have only sport and music. And a couple of projects that are not on this list.

Describes your sound to someone who has never heard it before.

In most of my tracks you will feel my individual style in which you can recognize me.
This is dark techno.I also think I’m universal. You need to hear it.

Do you have any good tour stories from clubs or festivals?

I just started touring. My first tour in Germany and France was canceled because of the virus. I hope we all will return to normal life very soon.Well, I have every party is a separate good story

What would you do if you weren’t a musician?

I think it would be real estate.

Which style of music should have the most followers? And why?

Techno. Although this is the most popular style among electronic music.
For example, you take some kind of pop song in which two, three lines of words and just in the frame of the clip, a beautiful girl and everyone hears this song, it gains millions of views and a lot of sales, well, at the same time this song has no idea, no sense … minimal work (but I’m not talking about all the songs). And Techno is a big work, an idea, all sounds are harmoniously collected and sound.People think it’s very simple.They need to be informed that this is a lot of work that requires even more recognition.

What is the most important musical equipment invention of all time – and why?

I think all inventions are very important. I can’t single out one thing. Everything related to music is very important.

What would you advise to become a professional?

Listen to a lot of music. Old, new… Analyze and do not rush to release the first tracks that you just made.And do not try to copy someone. Get inspired by the tracks of your favorite artist.

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