What are your musical influences from childhood?

I listened to bands mostly as a kid, I wasn’t really into electronic music until I was 18 and going out – I guess I’d have to say Radiohead as one of the bigger influences from back then.

Which track would play when you walked into your boxing match?

Hahah no idea, most people would probably say Down Under. But maybe Master of puppets or something. 

What was the worst job you ever had?

I was making burritos in a hot sweaty little joint for a long time, as soon as I started getting a regular pay from Dj’ing I bounced out of there.

Describe your sound to someone who has never heard it before?

I suppose it’s a good amount of Drum and Bass, but I try not to take things too serious, there’s the heavier moments but it’s broken up by lighter bits or just something fun people sing along too, always good seeing crowds react to a nostalgic chorus that cuts into something a bit heavier.

Do you have any good tour stories from clubs or festivals?

Way too many to mention, heaps that would probably get people in trouble.

You’ve played your first shows in Germany recently, what were the crowds like?

The crowds in Germany are some of the best in the world, I was so overwhelmed with the amazing response at the shows – the set at Parookaville was insane, everyone chanting the words and going crazy. It was so good.

What would you do if you weren’t a musician?

Hahah I might be back at the Mexican restaurant stuffing burritos. Who knows ey

Which style of music should have the most followers? And why?

Ahh that’s a hard one, I think there’s artists in heaps of different genres who should be more known than they are – if you dig around in any genre I reckon you can always find something you like. 

What is the most important musical equipment invention of all time – and why?

Another bloody hard one, how far back are we talking? I mean for the modern generation surely it’s got to be the speaker, and the ability to record – before that if you didn’t see it live you couldn’t hear it. 

What would you advise to become a professional?

Pretty cliche but just keep putting in the time, it’s the only way to get better and be in a position to make stuff happen. 


He’s recently dropped new single ‘Big City Life’ in collaboration with Mattafix and is currently in the midst of his first ever European tour.

Christian Benson (Luude), is no stranger to success as he has risen through the ranks of electronic music with dynamic releases and raucous sets that have garnered the support of both fans and the industry alike. Breaking out to critical acclaim over the last 12 months with the success of his drum n bass rework of the quintessential 80s anthem, ‘Down Under feat. Colin Hay’, he has truly  “taken over the world shooting up viral tracks globally and earning major accolades” (Stoney Roads).

With now over 150 million streams across platforms, 150,000 TikTok videos made, multiple playlist covers, Platinum certification in Australia and New Zealand, Silver certification in the UK and top-five placement in Shazam charts in New Zealand (#1), Germany (#1), Austria (#1), Estonia (#1), United Kingdom (#4), Australia (#4), it’s safe to say that Luude has a phenomenon on his hands.