Jon Collin (Live) Primitive Structures (Live) @ arkaoda Berlin

14mar(mar 14)21:0015(mar 15)02:00Jon Collin (Live) Primitive Structures (Live) @ arkaoda Berlin

Event Details

Jon Collin is a guitar player from Lancashire, UK, currently based in Sweden. On record he plays either improvised freeform abstract blues or through-composed minimalistic utilitarian drone music. His live shows are improvisations using a system of body, mind, breath, strings and electricity.

Primitive Structures
Going against muggy indie rock traditions, deconstructing conservative song writing into an open realm of acoustic experiments. They vibrate in a sublime blend of wave abstractions, Le Théâtre Du Chêne Noir jazz, sliding folk blues, otherworldly reverberations, gut instinct electronica, and droning psychedelia, casually eclipsed by witched drama voices. We are linked to Primitive Structures, a dazed trio from Berlin, that electrifies the musical data spheres with some Naïve utopia. It’s a dance of gloomy atoms, elaborated by the heart-piercing analogue gymnastics, improvisatory guitar-playing, darkish dub hints, strange cultural rhythms and interweaving strung-out psychedelics.


14. March 2024 21:00 - 15. March 2024 02:00(GMT+02:00)

Arkaoda | BERLIN