PINK w/ DJ Sotofett, Jasper James, Lux, Theo Kottis & Tin Man @ Wilde Renate

04jan(jan 4)23:5505(jan 5)12:00PINK w/ DJ Sotofett, Jasper James, Lux, Theo Kottis & Tin Man @ Wilde Renate

Event Details


Elissa Suckdog
Lauren Hansom
Jesse Para b2b Vincent

DJ Sotofett
TIN MAN live

Jasper James
Theo Kottis
Kevin STN

She was dancing on her own, accompanied by a group of friends. The guys gave the impression of having a casual but certain desire to be close to her. They were trying to maintain a loose conversation, but after exchanging a few words she kept them on distance, only paying attention to the music. While she was effortlessly flowing over the marble floor, polished smooth and glossy by thousands of feet, I discovered a tattoo on her left arm. A thin line, foming into a sickle and eventually evolving into a black circle. The moon phase. «Quieres algo para tomar?» The old street vendor was standing right next to me. I told him I was fine, still dazed and confused from the sudden change of scenery. When I looked back towards the plaza she had disappeared in the crowd. All this time I couldn’t see her face, but I could feel her presence. A question went through my mind: What happened back then in the full moon night?


4. January 2020 23:55 - 5. January 2020 12:00(GMT+02:00)

RENATE (Salon zur wilden Renate) | BERLIN