Sense & Scenery

08feb(feb 8)23:5909(feb 9)10:00Sense & Scenery

Event Details

Sat · 08.02.20 · 23:59 Uhr
Sense & Scenery
Downtempo House Progressive Psy-Trance I think we all know how it feels to be in love with a moment. Doesn’t it feel so real? Especially because such a moment loves you back unconditionally. Most of the time it’s about what you want or can give. If you spread unconditional love, we’re convinced it will come back to you at some point. Come with us and celebrate every sense and all the sceneries in our lives.


2 Girls 1 Club Drosssel, Berlin
Arnau Amatista Pachamama & Love Foundation, Berlin del amor with to be honest… Love Foundation & Musée Market, Berlin
Barbarella barbarella, Dresden
daensen Drossel, Berlin
Gun⁄lla Berlin
Johnson Patrick Void Resident, Berlin
Kahl & Kaemena fernab / Mystic Creatures / Love Foundation, Berlin
Marco tegui Bar 25 Music, Lima, Peru
Señora music SHANGO RECORDS, Senora, Barcelona/Berlin
The Shines Berlin


8. February 2020 23:59 - 9. February 2020 10:00(GMT+02:00)

Mensch Meier | BERLIN