supertonic @ ://about blank

10jun(jun 10)23:5911(jun 11)10:00supertonic @ ://about blank

Event Details

🧃 192GmbH (192 uploads)
🧃 Acidfinky (Blvsh)
🧃 Arlanoa (Supertonic)
🧃 Carly Zeng (Dissident)
🧃 DJ Bienveillance(Supertonic)
🧃 Micha (Risky)
🧃 New Members (Pear, Drifted)
🧃 Rudolf C (Salt Mines, Craigie Knowes)
🧃 SPECIAL GUEST (Phonotheque) UY

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an elixir that would make you boogie until you have no power left to stand? May we introduce: Supertonic🧃 Urban legends say that with a single sip of Supertonic you can dance until dawn – crazy, right? 💥 See for yourself! On Friday, June 10 at :// about blank starting at 23:59, we will have the chance to taste this magical liquid together! 🪄 Supertonic – the juice for night owls and urban superheroes🦸


10. June 2022 23:59 - 11. June 2022 10:00(GMT+02:00)

About Blank Club | BERLIN