zusaMMen: female:pressure @ Mensch Meier

10sep(sep 10)23:5911(sep 11)10:00zusaMMen: female:pressure @ Mensch Meier

Event Details

Akkamiau (live)
Black Lotus
Diana May
Joa Luna (live)
Kat Davids
Maura Lombardo
Nastia Y
Sarkha (hybrid)
Suit Kei

Mensch Meier’s dance party by the international grass root network female:pressure * for your night adventure

female:pressure is a transnational online database and network of women*, AFAB, transgender, transfeminine, transmasculine, intersex [ gender optional], genderqueer, gender nonconforming, a-gender and/or non-binary DJs, musicians, composers, producers, visual artists, agents, journalists and researchers working in the realms of electronic music and visual arts. It is a publicly accessible source of information, a means of communication and a tool to disclose the existence and the work of women*, non-binary, transgender and gender fluid people in this seemingly cis-male dominated field. In 2021, female:pressure celebrates its 23rd anniversary.


10. September 2022 23:59 - 11. September 2022 10:00(GMT+02:00)

Mensch Meier | BERLIN