Centered around the theme “ME, MYSELF & AI” WISE provides a platform for artists, industry professionals and creative communities from all around the world, to discuss & learn about the newest tools & regulation of- and investment in (creative) AI. How does it impact their music, art, work & life.

Our goal is to help shape the next wave of artistic creation and a healthy & sustainable ecosystem for creatives and the industry. Expect two days full of inspiring talks, music events, workshops and networking opportunities in the vibrant heart of Berlin’s music, art & tech scene.

Venues include some of Berlin´s most dynamic hubs such as Fluxbau, SAE & Badehaus.

About WISE:

Now in its seventh edition, WISE was founded by Philipp Grefer in Beijing in 2018 with the goal to connect creative communities globally, spark cross-sectoral dialogue and link innovators from the music & tech industries around the world. Apart from its standalone events in Berlin, Beijing & Shanghai WISE has held events at SXSW & ART BASEL.

First speakers include:

Hazel Savage, Soundcloud
Martin Clancy, AI:OK
Matthias Strobel, Music Tech Germany / New Visions Berlin
Ama Walton, Soundcloud (tbc)
Julian Krohn, Scholz & Friends
Xavier Peters, LeanSquare
Viktoria Renner, OZMOZE
Thomas Quenoil, MNGRS.AI
Johannes Everke, BDVK
Thierry Baujard, Media Deals
Prof. Dr Carsten Winter, University of Hannover (HMTMH)
Lorrain de Silva, Best Nights VC
Alaa Elhadba, DJOID
Declan McGlynn, Voice Swap
Vincent Tajan, Louis Vuitton (tbc)
Scott Cohen, JKBX (tbc)
Alex Brees, Un:Hurd (tbc)
And more to come

First Music acts include:
Nadav Sivan

Topics include:
Ethics vs. Economics: Global AI Law & Regulation
AI Tools Remixed: Revolutionizing Music & Art with machine creativity
Sound Investment: Backing the Future of Music & AI
The New Beat: Sync Music, Ads & Movies in the AI Era
AI’s Viral Edge: Mastering (TikTok) Marketing with Algorithmic Insights
Data as Gold: Unlocking the Value of Your Music’s Digital Footprint
Voice in Demand: Monetizing Your Voice with Voicecloning Tech
When AI Hits the Decks: The Future of DJing
AI gets Physical? – The impact on Vinyl, Merch and Distribution