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1.How did you come to do what you do? When did the first idea of creating the label came out?

Hello ! I just listened to Techno a lot and watched everything that was happening on stage, then I thought I wanted to try to do something like that. And so I started producing music, the first releases began, which were successful at that time for a novice producer. Then one already an experienced producer told me to open your label, you have a lot of material and it’s good! A year of my thoughts passed and I opened the label.

2.Some statistics, since the label was created , how many releases, how many vinyls and how many packages/parcels have you made/send?

After a few releases our track took first place in the top 100 hard techo tracks on beatport. Our releases are always in the top 100 different music stores. At the moment we are number 13 among hundreds of hard techno labels on beatport and we continue to gain momentum. some vinyl only for some of our friends. In the future we will release vinyl releases

3.From which country do most of your buyers come from?

Germany is the absolute leader. There are also a lot from countries such as Austria, France , Belgium , USA

4.What is the release of which you are most proud of?

To be honest, I cannot single out a specific release because of the very many that I love and respect each release, regardless of how successful it is

5.Can you describe to us what a typical day at the office means to you?

A typical day starts with checking email, we listen to the demo and reply to our artists. A lot of time is spent on social networks in order to find the best way to make promos for our artists and releases. We listen to music a lot and if we like an artist, then we ourselves contact him that to cooperate

6.Who’s in your Team? Are you a Music Producer or DJ?

In my team there is another person who is responsible for advertising, cover art and sometimes social networks, and so I do all the work myself. At first I was just a producer, but now I started performing as a Dj, but because of covid, like all of us on hiatus .I look forward to coming back although we have parties in Ukraine. It’s rare but once every two months we have parties

7.Which distribution channels do you use?

Pressology Distribution (Label Engine)

8.Did you use youtube and how strong/weak the impact?

Yes, we have a channel, but it’s not big (Finder Records / Sopik). A lot of our tracks appear on the channel of great artists and this is how we get a great promo. Youtube is a very good platform, we also use it to preview releases, this way our Soudcloud fades into the background. Priority Youtube

9.Have you ever helped yourself with buying clicks & plays on soundcloud?

We have never done this, because from the first releases we have got our own audience and it continues to grow. I want to tell our listeners separately, you do a lot for us and we answer you with good releases

10.Where do you find hungry and ambitious artists?

You need to look for them on music platforms and then listen to more of their music. If you look for the sound you need, you will always find or they will find you themselves.

11.What impact does streaming with spotify have on the economic situation of an indie label?

Streaming is developing a lot but I don’t think it will surpass purchases in the near future

13.When you look for new music to sign what are some key elements and factors you are looking for, aside from it being a great track obviously?

I’m always looking for a dark sound, but at the same time I love that the tracks have vocals, even if it’s just one word. Maybe because most of my tracks have vocals. The main thing is that the tracks have an idea and it would hold you throughout the entire track

14.How would you describe the style and vision of your Label?

Dark,Hard Techno

15.For producers out there sending in their demos via emails, what are some tips you would give them on professionally sending in their track to you?

It’s always nice to read a few words about an artist. Besides the demo links, always send your links to social media.