SuicideCircus Berlin
Revalerstr. 99, 10245 Berlin


Von Marshall Jefferson stammen die legendären Lyrics:

It’s gonna set you free
This House music, it’s gonna set you free
Move your body
Sexy body
Move your body
Move your body (The House Music Anthem)

Wer das nicht auf Anhieb erkennt, hat keine Ahnung von Housemusic, und sollte leiber gleich auswandern auf den Mond der Unwissenden. Jefferson ist einer der ersten… und leider auch einer der letzten. 1959 in der Windy City Chicago geboren, schuf mit seinem Track Move your body bereits im Jahre 1986 eine der House-Hymnen, die (wie eigentlich erst später üblich) Loop-artig strukturiert war, und die typischen Piano-Akkorde und die Percussion-Klänge des TR-707-Drumcomputers aufwies, die im nächsten Jahrzehnt so charakteristisch für den House-Sound werden sollten. Also noochmal zum Mitschreiben: 1986. Zu der Zeit hörte ich ehrlicherweise noch Dead Kennedys, Joy Division und The Specials.

Dieser Mann ist also am 5. August im Suicide, dass, wie wahrscheinlich auch nicht alle wissen, hier bereits, mit einer langen Pause dazwischen, seine zweite Residenz hat. 1994 eröffnete Ralf Brendeler in einem Fabrikgebäude in einem Hinterhof in der Dircksenstraße den Suicide Club, der mit DJs wie Rok, Clé oder Tanith zu einer Techno-Institution wurde. Nach drei Jahren der Zwischennutzung musste er schließen. Alles klar Leute?
Hier treffen also zwei alte Legenden aufeinander.

Marshall Jefferson (freakin 909, trax records)
Dj Jauche (sonar kollektiv, flaneur)
Live Vocals : Desney Bailey (nyc)

open air floor
Freund der Familie (fdf, telrae, studio r)
Marko Fürstenberg Live* (fdf, ornaments,leipzig)
Filburt (fdf, o*rs, leipzig)

Mashallplan – successful recovery plan for West Germany
Marshall Amplification – leading manufacturer of amplifiers and speakers
Marshall Jefferson – Godfather of House Music

+++Chicago+++end of the 70’s+++
„that sound they play down the house“ was what Chicago’s in-crowd was muttering amongst themselves when they heart the new sound, that brought down the house in the Club Warehouse – a club opened in 1977, but by now quite run-down. This is where Frankie Knuckles started his mother of all House Music “soups” – out of boredom over the by now stereotyped and unexciting disco music. He only used the rhythm parts of the 12 “ mixes of the disco music, leaving the rest out. This he mixed with Philly Soul, funk and European electronic music. This mixture evolved over time into the Chicago House. The tracks were based on simple base lines and a four-to-the-floor rhythm, influenced by the newly arriving technological innovations.

+++Marshall Jefferson+++
1986 Marshall Jefferson arrived on the scene. Born in Chicago/Illinois he threw his hat in the ring – Move your Body. Published on Trax Record this piece became the official House-hymn. All of a sudden everything was there – the loops, the divine piano-chords and the beats of the TR-707 – all that would make the house-sound what it is today. Jefferson is also known for influencing Acid House, as he already used those screwing sounds of the Roland TB-303 in his early tracks. He produced the original Acid track Phuture (DJ Pierre, Earl Smith, Herb J Jackson) for Trax Records. This track had already been rocking the whole city’s dance floor as a demo track.
Using his alias Virgo he produced instrumental tracks, predating the sound of Techno. He used to open his DJ-sets with a dub plate that acknowledged his achievements as a “godfather of house” reverent style. Let’s see and hear if that is still the case now!