
K O O K O O feat. DJ RED (Bpitch Control, Rome)

:: music
DJ RED (Bpitch Control, Rome) // www.soundcloud.com/dj-red
MIEKO SUZUKI (Kookoo) // www.mixcloud.com/mieko
ARA (Kookoo) // www.mixcloud.com/kookoo

:: art
KALMA (light beams) // www.kalmalab.com
YUKIHIRO TAGUCHI (stop motion) // yukihirotaguchi.wordpress.com
CARLY FISCHER (sculpture & photography) // www.carlyfischer.com

OHM Gallery, Köpenicker Straße 70
Federico Fellini was known to have a soft spot for energy. Just look at Fellini’s Roma. The most enigmatic movie of the Italian director is an energetic outburst of organised cacophony, an
unstoppable flow of unpredictable events, and an orgy of gorgeous lights. Glowing, flickering, shimmering neon lights. Fellini’s Roma is actually DJ RED’s Rome, too. DJ RED was born Simona Calvani in this city made of light and went on to become one of the main protagonists of the club scene in the Italian capital. She has been a resident DJ at Goa Club in Rome for more than 15 years, always taking home inspirations from living abroad in cities like London and Berlin.

DJ RED is known to have a soft spot for vinyl records, for deep techno grooves, and for creating a continuous flow of little energetic outbursts when taking over the decks. You could compare the effect of her sets to the blinding glow of flickering, shimmering neon lights – no wonder that DJ RED’s first release on Ellen Allien’s label Bpitch Control was called Eyes Are Blind.

At KOOKOO, the sonic energy flow of DJ RED will be enhanced by light beams controlled by KALMA. A visual performer of Spanish origin, KALMA uses real time processes to create light installations that change from one moment to the next. Her approach results in a spontaneous interaction connecting both the video and audio channels of perception. Japanese artist YUKIHIRO TAGUCHI also works with energy and light, his most recent artworks dealing with the voraciousness and generosity of fire.

YUKIHIRO TAGUCHI creates visual installations based on the inspiration he gets from each specific site, enhancing the experience of everyone present in the given space at the given time.
CARLY FISCHER is a fine artist based in Melbourne, Australia. She’s responsible for the sculpture and the photographic setting that capture the essence of one of DJ RED’s favourite song lyrics, a line taken from Kraftwerk’s Neon Lights: this city’s made of light…

Last but not least, MIEKO SUZUKI & ARA are the hosts in this city of light they call KOOKOO, a place open for bi-monthly gatherings that establish a dialogue between electronic music and
visual art, between the amazing space at OHM Gallery and a very dedicated audience: you.

