Moves is a band that was founded in 2015 under the blue skies of the city of Barcelona and the grey ones of Amsterdam. Typical of their sound is the intense (and mostly spoken) voice of Jacqueline Seligmann (Mann, AmorDMorado, Over the Moon), the hypnotic rhythms of Matías Segovia (Carrots, Ovni), and the talent of the international cohort of musicians who provided the fire that allowed the synergy between the two, in order to grow and expand. They are: Vicente Macia (Pigmy, Carrots), Freddy Forner (Carrots), Nathan Baughman (Los Átomos, Pigmy), Marina Férriz (Attenya Quartet, Pigmy ) and Luciano Bertolini (Tasmanian Devils).

Jacqueline and Matías started to compose together since their first meeting in 2000 – and their desire has grown ever since. That is how MOVES began. Both were eager to explore and embrace new musical areas, the songs became layered, they were both eager to strip and build the sound until it was the one they actually desired.

This is why the band creates and draws – at an accelerated pace – themes of great tension, sustained by their orchestral format: violin, keyboard, guitars, bass and drums- and the torn voice of Jacqueline, who converts each song – composed together with Matías – into a powerful piece of raw melancholy.

After their debut EP “Landscape On A Plate”, Moves continued tirelessly, creating a more powerful sound, representative of the tracks on their second album. A few songs have been released as a preview: „The Challenge“ and „Black Room“, followed by “Remember“ and the overwhelming tribal sound of „I’m Gone“. These four songs are part of the double album “The Challenge”.

Without exception, the singles are full of cinematic atmospheres that travel through dark and dusty places. The elements of percussion are dominant, and the psychedelic influences are more present than before. The production of the new album is in the hands of Matias Segovia himself together with Nathan Baumann and guitarist Piti Elvira (Standstill).

This new single is a statement about the injustice and genocide that was inflicted on the natives of the Americas, North, Central and South. The intro is by the Northern Cree. The lyrics are inspired by the words of Tashunka Witko (Crazy Horse), leader of the legendary Oglala Sioux.

As in all MOVES productions, the band plays intense rhythms, with layers and layers of guitars, scenic atmospheres and soundscapes that evoke intimacy. Jacqueline’s voice, personal and recognizable, invites you to attend a ´powwow´; a gathering where everyone tells their stories, dances and sings.

Songs, rituals and tribal rhythms…

The introduction provided by the Northern Cree (a group of Native Canadians) takes us into a world where we understand communion and equality in the bond between all living beings.

With a nod to their first album „Landscape on a Plate“, the band shows us two faces, a gentle one in which melancholy, sadness and longing predominate; and the other; wild, an emissary, denouncing injustice, greed, evil and lack of values, in a world ruled by lies.

It is the first preview of the new that MOVES is preparing for this 2023 that has just started.