plus DJ-Sets von

Ian P. Christ + Philipp Strobel (DEATH # DISCO |

Am Wriezener Bahnhof, 10243 Berlin

„Dunkelheit, Angst, Gedanken, Träume“ – als der NME The Soft Moon-Mastermind Luis Vasquez nach der Erfolgsformel seines Projektes fragte zog er nur vier Worte aus dem Ärmel.

Vier Worte, die den kunstvollen Neo Post-Punk des Kaliforniers eigentlich schon treffend und fast ausreichend beschreiben. Zumal er ja eigentlich selber gar nie die Intention hegte, damit andere Ohren als seine eigenen zu erreichen. Tief in sein eigenes Innerstes wollte er eindringen, elimieren was seine Energien hemmt, verändern was ihn quält, unterstreichen was ihn besonders macht. So birgt auch das Gesamtwerk von THE SOFT MOON eine wunderbare Bandbreite an schreienden Stakkatos, vereisten Beats und wütender Nostalgia.

In seinen Shows entlädt sich Vasquez komplett, enthüllt seine musikalische Seele bis auf die Knochen. Wir freuen uns sehr ihn im Berghain präsentieren zu dürfen.

Mueran Humanos (Buenos Aires/Ar)

Carmen Burguess & Tomás Nochteff created Mueran Humanos as an art project in 2006, working on installations, video, collage, prints and music. The music, a blend of electronic and electric sounds, becames the central part of the project evolving slowly from very abstract to more song oriented structures, but retaining somehow the improvisation and experimental elements, resulting in a sound of their own. After a couple of singles and gigs all over Europe and South America, they released their debut album in 2011, supported by an U.S. tour through Blind Prophet Records (vinyl version, New York USA) & Old Europa Cafe (CD version, Italy) to critical aclaim world wide. They just released their 7″ single Culpable in the UK, on the legendary Southern Records label, a 7 inch split with Argentinian band Mujercitas Terror in México on Vale Vergas Discos, and their most recent 12″ maxisingle on UK record label Vanity Case (Psychic TV/PTV3 last releases). Nowadays Mueran Humanos are preparing the material of their second album.

“Ultimately what Mueran Humanos have done is create a record for everyone to enjoy. It touches upon moments of psychedelia, EBM, garage rock, industrial, kraut rock, post punk, post industrial, and minimal synth and it ties them all together in a well executed and well recorded package with strong male and female vocals sung purely in Spanish. The end result is a truly spectacular journey from the dimly lit streets of Buenos Ares to the crowded and sweaty nightclubs of Berlin. Don’t miss out on what is sure to be one of the most celebrated albums of 2011.” – Blind Prophet Records

“Manifested as an art project in 2006, employing as much visual design into a performance as their music, Mueran Humanos have struck gold with equal amounts of abstract elements and Krautrock orientated structures, resulting in a sound of their own. Centred around electronic instrumentation – and their heavy use of it – the band still manages to retain a gritty quality that hits you with absolute fierceness. With worldwide tours and a critically acclaimed debut album providing weight to their musical presence, this pair of maestros are sure to push the Louder Than War series to new heights.” – Southern Records