Sonntag, 19. Juli um 14:00

Free Open Air Maybachufer 48
Maybachufer 48, 12045 Berlin

Free Entry !

Who doesn’t dream to be able to escape from everyday life once in a while and to jump back into the skin of their childish ego? We invite you to do just that! Awaiting you is a Free Open Air throwing you back into the best time of your young life, for you can forget everything your age brings with it. We look forward to a memorable Sunday with you in the „Never-Never Land“!

A quick introduction into our collective: We are a team of DJ’s, installation artists, and set designers, with an „Eco“ mission. We build party concepts with recycled and repurposed materials found on the streets, and use creative workshops to promote sustainability.

8+ DJ Acts, plunge pool, sustainability workshops, a full bar, t-shirt printing, interactive art… and more

Presenting Magical Musical Adventures by:

Faik Muchs // MAPUberlin, Ram Schakl
Leon Kostner // Sturmund Drang
Letou // Baumbaum Label, BodyParts records
Clemens Kombinat // Tanz+Klangkombinat
Herman & Schmahl w/ AJA // Ram Schakl, Invaders
Ring & Dorf (Dreiklang) // Ram Schakl
Manel Cluny // Dazed State
A.D.H.S. // Lass uns Tanzen!