MiKE WALL has been running his Techno Business WALL MUSIC and it’s certainly special. He produces new Acts and releases himself dark Techno-Cracker like “Streets of Abbadia” Besides MINUSZWEI, one of this great acts, he invited a special treat with DIMI ANGELIS. For some time now he is taking off, because of his loved DJ-Sets, which are known for leaving an enormous tinkling between your ears, and of course for the releases he did with his friend and partner Jeroen Search (A&S). Minimal, crafty and powerful. Check!

WALL MUSIC celebrates its three year anniversary. Not only wonderful 36 Digital releases are currently released but also 15 vinyl releases.

The SuicideCircus Berlin is the best place for us to celebrate our birthday event.

SuicideCircus Berlin
Revalerstr. 99, 10245 Berlin

Line Up.

Dimi Angélis
(A&S Records / ANGLS / Traut Muzik / Figure)

Mike Wall (Official Page)
(Wall Music Ltd. / SCR Dark)

(Wall Music Ltd / LCR)

(Wall Music / Genesa)