Music Label Interviews

Labelinterview: Finder Records

How did you come to do what you do? When did the first idea of creating the label came out?

Hello ! I just listened to Techno a lot and watched everything that was happening on stage, then I thought I wanted to try to do something like that. And so I started producing music, the first releases began, which were successful at that time for a novice producer. READ MORE…

Labelinterview: SEV Berlin

Wie bist du dazu gekommen, das zu tun, was du tust? Wann kam die erste Idee, das Label zu kreieren?

Unsere Kollektiv wurde ehrlich gesagt durch ein Zufall gegründet. Der Chef vom Golden Gate fragte uns einmal ob wir nicht Lust hätten, eine Veranstaltung zu machen. Das taten wir. Es lief super und wir dachten uns, dass man da mehr draus machen kann. Daraus entstand dann unser Kollektiv und daraus dann das tiefere Interesse aktiv in der Clubkultur zu werden. Der Spaß an der ganze Sache hält uns zusammen und am Ball.

Labelinterview: Emmanuel von ARTS

When did the first idea of creating the label come about?

The very first time when I thought about making a label was when I was a little kid, was always a dream of mine, I always watched record with a certain eye, I love the way they feel and I love the memory that a record can give you, there is nothing better than produce something that gives beautiful memories to people, of any sort. If we want to define the very first idea, that was the very first time, My mind told me, „Yes, you got to do this one day“. I think I was 13.

Labelinterview: Kindisch Records

When did the first idea of creating the label come about?

Kindisch was originally started by my good friends Bookashade, DJ T. and M.A.N.D.Y. in 2006 as a sister label of Get Physical in order to have a musical platform for the more „verspultere“ B Side kind of records. A collaboration in the studio with DJ T. on the sister label of Kindisch is where I had my first release. Kindisch had been resting for some while after its initial phase and when I moved to Berlin I had the vision to revive the label and partnered up with Roland Leesker and Philipp Jung and their team to bring it back to life. The rest is history.

Labelinterview: Wuza Records

Wie bist du dazu gekommen, das zu tun, was du tust? Wann kam die erste Idee, das Label zu kreieren?

2016 meinte mein Kumpel Marcus Klee beim Feiern ich solle ein Event bei ihm (KPAX) organisieren. Das lief ziemlich gut. Kurz darauf wurde ich eingeladen ein weiteres Event in einem Club zu hosten. READ MORE…

Labelinterview: EKORD

My name is Johnny Da Cruz and after one decade holding residences as a DJ in some of brazilian’s finest clubs like D-Edge and Vegas, last year i decided to take a new challenge and come to Berlin to work in this new project of EKORD, a party-label that is just starting but thinking in big achievements to a close future.

Labelinterview mit T-KODE von Stratosphera Records

How did you come to do what you do? When did the idea of creating the label first come out?

The first idea to create the label came from a dream that I had one night – I woke up the next day and I decided to open Stratosphera Records. I wanted to view the world from another perspective, and the label to me was the key to doing that.

Labelinterview: Gomma, Toy Tonics & Kryptox

Wie bist du dazu gekommen, das zu tun, was du tust? Wann kam die erste Idee, das Label zu kreieren?

Ich habe Musik produziert die kein anderes Label mochte… daraufhin hab ich selber eins gegründet, dann ein zweites , ein drittes..

Label Interview: Occultists

How did you come to do what you do? When did the first idea of creating the label came out?

Well I started going to raves in the late 90s and I started buying my first records and DJing in 2000. From there it kind of kept growing and evolving. I think around 2008 I finally started to have a passion that I wanted to start my own label. From there it went through many different ideas and concepts until I finally launched the label in 2016. In the end the concept for me was something that was certainly true to myself and I’m very happy with the way it turned out and all the artists who have been involved so far.


Labelinterview: Project Mooncircle

How did you come to do what you do? When did the first idea of creating the label came out?

I’m a vinyl collector and DJ since 94′ and it was always my dream to start my own label and to release eclectic music. I was born close to the Polish border in East Germany and I grew up in a rough neighborhood until the end of the 90’s so I didn’t had so much opportunities, friends with the same vision or support in this surrounding like you can easily get in cities like Berlin nowadays. It took a while to release our first record on vinyl and to sign our distribution deal with HHV

Label Interview: Jean Yann Records

1. When did the first idea of creating the label come about?

It all happened really fast, during the Summer of 2015 in the South East of Spain, in a little town called Javea. We were at a friend‘s place for a few days to get burnt by the local ‘Sol’, margaritas down our throats, fresh fish on the grill and basically leave Paris. By « We » I mean: Yoann (Mad Shivers), Victoria (Vicky), Alexandre-Paul (AP aka Alex) and a bunch of friends from France. We were playing house music everyday during this trip and we had always wanted to start a label, to bring all our friends under the same roof for a party, to release our own records on vinyl or digitally but most of all the share the message this culture represents!

Label Interview: Gobsmacked

1. When did the first idea of creating the label come about?

Circa 2006 in Waterford Ireland, we were running events under variousguises in numerous venues in Waterford and Dublin, and I (Diarmaid OMeara) decided with Karl Cullen and an entourage of techno friends, to create the Gobsmacked club night and the label under the same name. We had originally started organising techno events because it was impossible to be booked by the incumbent main promoters in the city at the time, and we had a similar mentality regarding the label. Sending demos to negatively answering labels became tedious more than disheartening, so we decided to figure out how to press and release 12”´s and Digi´s with the help of Dublin based Nice&Nasty records.

Label Interview: Ki Records Label-Gründer Paul Kadow

– Hi Paul, how did you come to do what you do? When did the first idea of creating the label came out?

It was New Years Eve 2009 and I was at Christian Löfflers home listening to his new music when we decided to run a label together. It wasn’t planned at all but Christian was looking for a label to release his music for a while and no-one was interested at that time, so we had this “crazy” idea to run our own record label. :)

Label Interview: MYR
(record label founded in 2016)

Wie bist du dazu gekommen, das zu tun, was du tust? Wann kam die erste Idee, das Label zu kreieren?

Die Idee eine eigene Plattform zum Veröffentlichen von elektronischer Musik zu gestalten, war schon lange präsent. Es musste der richtige Zeitpunkt gefunden werden, ein solches Projekt zu starten, da es mit viel Arbeit verbunden ist. Im November 2016 war es soweit und „Unhurried Soul„ wurde als erste EP vorgestellt.


Label Interview: 2RB Records
(Berlin based record label founded in 2010)

How did you come to do what you do? When did the first idea of creating the label came out?

The idea started in 2010 in Madrid, as a platform to release the music from my first project with Jesus Ruiz (TwoRbeat), surrounded by new artists, and new young producers.


Label Interview: Big Bait Records
(Label from South West Germany founded in 2008)

wann und vom wem wurde das label gegründet?

Big Bait Records wurde 2008 von mir selber, Niels Hofheinz (aka Peter Clamat aka Citizen Funk /w Scherbe) gegründet. Gegründet hab ich es, weil das im Prinzip schon seit 20 Jahren mein Plan war und ich es für den richtigen Zeitpunkt hielt, die Idee endlich in die Tat umzusetzen. Viel Support habe ich dabei von Scherbe aka Sebastian Stehlik und Annette Sihler bekommen, die mir in den Anfangsjahren geholfen haben. Scherbe ist immer noch als „ghost programmer“ dabei wenn es um die Homepage und den Online Auftritt geht.


Dizzy Tunes
Kreislauf Records
Beste Modus
://about blank
White Mouse Records
BPitch Control
Ostgut Ton